
2020-08-04 │ 小升初作文




  He likes cooking


  1. 他的声音让我喜欢上他,而且我喜欢看他做饭和弹钢琴的样子。

  And i love to see him cooks and i love to see him plays the piano.

  2. Tolkien一直都梦想着回牛津生活,加上他已经27岁,而Edith则是30岁了,他们需要一个真的属于自己的家;从1919年新年,他开始写日记,后来更用他自己发明的字母来书写英文,他很快决定将这种看来是希伯来,希腊和Pitman速写混合的字母,用在他的神话中,叫这作The Alphabet of Rumil;Tolkien很喜欢他编辑字典的工作,在工作中,他需要查找词源,涉及到各种时期的丰富多彩欧洲语言,这令他学到了很多东西;在编辑字典之余,他也靠在Lady Margaret Hall和St Hugh's教女学生们盎格鲁萨克森语言来帮补家计,很快他和Edith在1919年夏可以负担租到I Alfred Street的一个小独立房屋,有了一个帮手做饭的家佣,Edith又可以拥有自己的钢琴,这个属于自己的小家,令两个人都非常快乐,Edith又怀孕了;到1920年春,Tolkien从教学可以赚到足够的钱养家,就放弃了编辑字典的工作;与此同时,他也在继续The Book of Lost Tales的写作,一天晚上,他在Exeter学院的辩论会读了The Fall of Gondolin给一班没有毕业的学生听,其中包括:Nevill Coghill和Hugo Dyson;Tolkien申请Leeds大学英国语言教授助教(Reader,是教授的一种,但比Perfessor来得低,所以译了个助教)的工作,完全没有想到George Gordon教授竟然录取了他,这使他和Edith的计划不得不有所改变。

  I will say no more now.

  3. 自从最近我生病之后,我的丈夫接手了做饭工作,他决定装修我们用了18年的旧厨房,他不喜欢粉红瓷砖。

  I love what he did: the spectralite counter top, the aqua coloured glass back splash and the new Electrolux appliances.

  4. 大卫喜欢唱歌,他妈妈做饭的时候他就给妈妈唱歌,大卫可以随便编歌,唱歌的时候还在在盆盆罐罐上敲节奏。

  David loved to sing. He would sing to his mother as she cooked the food. David made up songs and banged on pots and bowls as he sang to her.


  Home Cooking

  My country is famous for its good food.There is a wide variety of delicious food available at food stands and restaurants in every price range.Despite this,although I do enjoy eating out occasionally,I really prefer to cook and eat at home with my family.

  Although the food we prepare may not be as elegant as that which can be found in a fine restaurant,I like the taste of my mother’s cooking because it tastes like home.She is the head chef at our house,but we all help in the kitchen when we can.Preparing food together is fun and brings us closer.We also talk more around the dinner table when we eat together at home because the atmosphere is quieter and more personal.We are all relaxed and can say whatever comes to mind.Lastly,when we are finished we do not have to worry about who will pay the bill.

  I love to eat,and I love to eat with my family.We all feel comfortableshavingsdinner at home and really enjoy the quiet time that we can spend together.Eating out is great on a special occasion or for a change of pace,but nothing can replace the joy I find in eating at home.www.zuowenju.com







  匆匆做饭 knock sb up

  可自己做饭 self-catering; shopping offers

  烧菜做饭 prepare a meal

  烧锅做饭 light the fire to cook dinner; make fire to cook food

  烧火做饭 light the fires and cook the food

  淘米做饭 wash rice and prepare a meal我在做饭 i'm cooking

  做饭前祷告 say grace我要为你做饭 saya raya我正忙着做饭 i am busy cooking dinner

  可自己做饭来源:考 self-catering

  我得给孩子做饭 i have to cook for my child

  自己做饭的公寓 self-catering apartment

  匆匆做饭,敲门……叫醒,使人疲倦 knock sb up

  匆匆做饭,敲门把某人叫醒,使某人疲倦 knock sb up

