
2020-07-07 │ 知识百科




  1、take my breath away

  take my breath away是壮志凌云插曲,《壮志凌云》是由派拉蒙影业公司出品的励志电影,讲述了美国海军飞行员麦德林以自己老飞行员父亲为偶像,几经沉沦,终于奋起,驾驶银鹰,纵横蓝天,最终成为一名优秀飞行员的故事。影片于1986年5月16日在美国上映。

  2、Will Always Love You

  《I Will Always Love You》(我将永远爱你)是美国女歌手惠特妮·休斯顿为电影《保镖》演唱的一首主题曲。曲调悲伤抒情,短短的几句,细腻的描写了主人公对离开自己心爱之人的难过不舍及深情的爱意祝福,令人陶醉至此且深有感触。在歌唱中,惠特妮·休斯顿的声音一度哽咽和紧张,因为她把《I Will Always Love You》作为一系列的情感爆发,并在音乐高潮处将歌声全面稳步至最后的高音攀升。

  3、Sealed With A Kiss(以吻封缄)

  《Sealed with a kiss》是一首极具浪漫色彩的歌曲,夏天来临,主人公要与心爱的人分开一段日子,漫漫长夏,孤独又凄清,但主人公要把空虚填补:他要把每夜之梦写成书信,并以吻封缄,寄给自己心爱的人。第二节用几个排比句子,幻想心上人不在的日子却处处见到她。见到她沐浴在阳光里,这是视觉在起作用;听见她的声音传遍各个角落,这是听觉在起作用;他要跑过去温柔地拥抱她,这是触觉在享受。但这只是男主人公的幻觉,不过也是伟大爱情的表现。

  4、Rhythm Of Rain雨中的旋律

  Cascades(瀑布合唱团),是来自加利福尼亚洲圣地亚哥的一个五重唱组合,这首《Rhythm of the Rain》成了流行音乐史上最令人难忘的经典之一,不但翻唱的人难以数计,更平均每隔几年就要再流行一次。而在我国,它也被翻译成国语歌曲《雨中的旋律》。此外,更有“绿箭口香糖”的广告将它用作广告主题曲。



  6、more than i can say

  国人熟悉的凤飞飞演唱的《爱你在心口难开》其实是翻唱英文歌曲《More Than I Can Say》,是由杰瑞·埃利森(JERRY ALLISON)和桑尼·库尔梯斯(SONNY CURTIS)在上世纪50年代初期创作的,由BOBBY VEE在1961年唱红的,后来由英国男歌手(LEO SAYER)于1980年将之重新诠释。



  8、You Raise Me Up(你鼓舞了我)

  You Raise Me Up 这首歌是一首赞美诗,事实上是歌颂上帝,告诫人们在任何艰难压抑的情况下,靠着上帝胜过自己、胜过环境的“福音类”的歌。间奏的风笛更是让人深陷音乐深海之中无法自拔,作为少有的励志和感恩音乐,最后的合唱气势磅礴,坚定有力。其中有一句You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas,是从《圣经》的典故而来----耶稣走在海面上。中文意思简单可翻译为“是你鼓舞了我”。


  《Do Re Mi》是奥斯卡经典电影《The Sound of Music》(音乐之声)的主题曲之一,也是著名的音乐启蒙歌,被收入小学六年级音乐课本。是主人公Maria(玛利亚)教授给七个孩子们的第一首歌,同时也打开了孩子们在军事家庭禁锢多年的浪漫和想象。

  10、The Sound Of Silence(寂静之声)

  《寂静之声》(The Sound of Silence)在1967年作为美国电影《毕业生》的主题歌,是20世纪60年代民歌二人组Paul Simon and Garfunkel的成名作。旋律飘缓低迷,歌词充满了一种幻觉般的意境。细细听来,仿佛在诉说着年轻无助的一种宣泄。眼前似乎看到一个懵懂无知的女孩,独自一人行走在铺着鹅卵石的狭窄、清冷的小巷里,喧嚣的人群在她身后渐渐远去,前面是没有尽头的黑夜……歌曲如果说是属于民谣的话似乎太深邃,如果说随着强劲的乐曲而震荡的节奏是摇滚的话,却太细腻,音乐上它造就了类的中和体,这应该是它成功的重要原因。

  歌词简单又好听的英语歌:Price Tag

  [Jessie J]

  Okay, Coconut man, Moon Head and Pea

  You ready?

  Seems like everybody's got a price,

  I wonder how they sleep at night

  When the sale comes first

  And the truth comes second.

  Just stop for a minute and smile

  Why is everybody so serious?

  Acting so damn mysterious?

  Got your shades on your eyes

  And your heels so high

  That you can't even have a good time


  Everybody look to their left (yeah)

  Everybody look to their right

  Can you feel that (yeah)

  We're paying with love tonight?


  It's not about the money, money, money

  We don't need your money, money, money

  We just wanna make the world dance,

  Forget about the price tag

  Ain't about the (uh) ch-ch-ching ch-ching

  Ain't about the (yeah) bl-bling-bl-bling

  Wanna make the world dance,

  Forget about the price tag (OK)

  [Jessie J]

  We need to take it back in time,

  When music made us all unite!

  And it wasn't low blows and video hoes,

  Am I the only one getting tired?

  Why is everybody so obsessed?

  Money can't buy us happiness

  Can we all slow down and enjoy right now?

  Guarantee we'll be feeling alright


  Everybody look to their left (to their left)

  Everybody look to their right (to their right)

  Can you feel that (yeah)

  We're paying with love tonight?


  It's not about the money, money, money

  We don't need your money, money, money

  We just wanna make the world dance,

  Forget about the price tag

  Ain't about the (uh) ch-ch-ching ch-ching

  Ain't about the (yeah) bl-bling-bl-bling

  Wanna make the world dance,

  Forget about the price tag


  Yeah, yeah

  Well, keep the price tag

  And take the cash back

  Just give me six strings and a half stack

  And you can, can keep the cars

  Leave me the garage

  And all I, yes, all I need

  Are keys and guitars

  And guess what? In 30 seconds

  I'm leaving to Mars

  Yeah, we leaping across

  These undefeatable odds

  It's like this, man

  You can't put a price on a life

  We do this for the love

  So we fight and sacrifice

  Every night

  So we ain't gon' stumble and fall


  Waiting to see or send a sign of defeat

  Uh uh

  So we gonna keep everyone

  Moving their feet

  So bring back the beat

  And then everyone sing

  It's not about the money

  歌词简单又好听的英语歌:From There To Here

  Baby we're moving in the wrong direction

  Drifted apart somewhere along the way

  It's like we're hanging on a lost connection

  With nothing to say, nothing to say

  So take me back to where the story started

  Back to the time our love was strong enough

  We swore we'd never end up broken hearted

  We'd never give up, never give up

  Look at us now

  We're heading down a waterfall

  Nothing to hold on to at all

  Tell me is it worth fighting the tears

  Turn around, see the future we left behind

  All the beautiful things in our life

  How we gonna let it all disappear

  Baby how did we get from there to here?

  Isn't it crazy how we feel like strangers

  You used to know me better than myself

  Searching your eyes trying to find the answer

  There's nothing to tell

  Look at us now

  We're heading down a waterfall

  Nothing to hold on to at all

  Tell me is it worth fighting the tears

  Turn around, see the future we left behind

  All the beautiful things in our life

  How we gonna let it all disappear

  Baby how did we get from there to here?

  Are we at the point of no return

  Bound to crash and burn

  Baby are we still breathing?

  Please tell time is not running out

  When your hope is running out [?]

  Give me something to believe in

  Baby we're moving in the wrong direction

  Drifted apart somewhere along the way

  Look at us now

  We're heading down a waterfall

  Nothing to hold on to at all

  Tell me is it worth fighting the tears

  Turn around, see the future we left behind

  All the beautiful things in our life

  How we gonna let it all disappear, yeah yeah

  We're heading down a waterfall

  Nothing to hold on to at all

  Tell me is it worth fighting the tears

  Turn around, see the future we left behind

  All the beautiful things in our life

  How we gonna let it all disappear

  Baby how did we get from there to here?

